Friday, July 6, 2018

Week 1:

BSc Creative Computing Project - NWC605COM
SAT 6th JUL 2018

In this Unit NWC605COM, I am to create my own project. I came up with three initial ideas. The three initial ideas that I had come up with are listed below.

1.Maya model/Scene
2.2D game
5.Create a self driving car or robot using a raspberry pi

The final project that I chose is to design and create my own maya model with scenery within a scene using the software Maya. Before choosing to create a maya model and a scenery for my final project.

As I want to I want to continue to perfect my craft in terms of improving my skills regarding 3D modelling. The main aim and purpose of this project is mainly for my own personal use, as I plan to use this opportunity to produce a piece of work that I can use and put in my portfolio, which I can build up . Once I place my work in my portfolio, this means I can use it when I apply for jobs after when I finish studying for my degree, since I will have something to show that I have created as some sort of evidence.

As previously stated what the main purpose of my project is, it only makes sense that myself and the  would have to say that the target audience for my project is myself as I will need to be happy with what work I am putting out to the employers. However the employers are also my main focus and target audience. This is because they are the individuals who I aim to impress when I show my work.


Everything to do with maya model That I create will be documented within this blog along with screenshots as evidence to show you how I made my model. Firstly I created my project, within maya by creating a new project by going to file<project window < new and then I name my project ‘Rachel’s BSc’s Project - New (Myself -Lara)’

I took some my own photos with my camera, these photos will be used so that I can use them as a reference for my Maya model as I want to create myself.

 Afterwards I imported my image plane from the menu bar into my project that I'll be using throughout modelling and then began to make my project. I started doing this by inserting a polycylinder and set it to have 8 axis subdivisions to  in order to create an eye and used duplicate special to mirror the other eye using duplicate special.

I then inserted another cylinder and set it to have 12 axis subdivisions to create a mouth and place it so that it is centered directly onto of the mouth so that it is aligned with my reference. Whenever I create the polycylinders that I am to used for the creation of the mouth, eyes and nose, I make sure that I get rid of the back faces as most times I don't need them. I was aware that creating the face was going to be a huge task as it always is for me when it comes to maya modelling and potentially the most difficult task to accomplish so I made sure I took my time on this part. Once this was done I added another poly cylinder to the scene, which would be the nose. Where I go on to creating the nose and lips I take the inner subdivision caps before narrowing them to shape the following features then altering the outside subdivision cap. This allows me to create the shapes that I need for what feature it is that I am working on.

I then remove half of the faces of the mouth area. Then I continue to manipulate the shape of the mouth area using the edges & verticles 
 I was able to create some definition within the lips using the multi-cut tool. Before then later shaping the mouth area region. Once this was done I used the scale tool to match the reference of the eye and mouth on the image plane.

 I had to insert another image plane so I could be using that as my reference so I'd have a choice to model from the side profile.

 Then I begin to add some curvature to my lips by using connect components to give my lips the true shape and create a little bit of volume.
I duplicated the eye and created the eyeshape by using the tools to manipulate the shape exactly how I wanted it in order to be aligned with my reference. 

Lastly I focused on getting the correct eye detail and really touching honing down on that.

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